

  • 乘客12

客舱是同级别中最宽的, the 庞巴迪挑战者605 offers an exceptional flight experience for up to 12 passengers, along with a range that lets it cross oceans 和 continents with ease.


  • The 庞巴迪挑战者605 was introduced to the public in 2006 as an updated variant of the 604. 在交付了近300辆后,605于2016年停产.
  • 最多可搭载12名乘客,不间断飞行8小时, the 605 is suitable for transatlantic charters without stopovers as well as short- 和 medium-haul flights.
  • 在飞行期间方便使用, the baggage compartment can hold 12 suitcases 和 several items of h和 luggage.
  • 挑战者605在2015年被650取代.

宽敞的内部和令人印象深刻的范围, the Challenger 605 offers a luxurious onboard experience 和 is one of the most sophisticated private jets available today.


The 605’s redesigned interior improved on the 604 by making the largest interior in its class even more spacious. Bombardier also introduced LEDs throughout for more atmospheric lighting 和 enlarged the windows to let in more natural light. 还有一个新的厨房设计, as well as increased storage capacity 和 more ergonomic working spaces.

比如挑战者604, the 605’s cabin can be configured into a 12-passenger conference space in a double-club, 前杆或半杆, 或者是沙发排列. Depending on the configuration, the seating can be turned into five beds during the flight. Hot 和 cold food 和 drinks can be prepared in the galley at the front of the 飞机.

Below are two st和ard configurations found on board a Challenger 605.


  • The Challenger 605’s seats can be used to make five beds mid-flight (if originally configured to fly 12), 使飞机成为夜间飞行的理想选择.
  • 机舱几乎比飞机宽两英尺 巴西航空工业公司莱格赛600 -重型喷气式飞机的竞争对手.
  • The 605 can make steep approaches relative to its size 和 fly in/out of airports such as London City.
  • 604的升级包括更多的自然光, 大型液晶视频监视器, 改进的工作台, new acoustical insulation reducing interior noise 和 improvements to the cabin electronic system. 厕所也得到了提升.


Two General Electric CF34-3B engines power the 庞巴迪挑战者605, 每支8支,729磅的推力和每小时976升的燃料.

驾驶舱采用柯林斯Proline21航空电子设备套件, giving pilots instant 和 intuitive access to critical flight information, 还有几个液晶显示屏. 一个完全数字化的系统为乘客提供了更好的机舱控制, with touch-screen controls in the VIP areas 和 galley allowing for on-dem和 audio/video 和 high-speed internet connectivity.


继挑战者604的成功之后, Bombardier retained its most popular features 和 brought the 飞机 into the modern-day with a host of internal upgrades. 2006年发行, 605有更大的窗户,让30%多的自然光进入, 更大的液晶显示器, 改进的工作台, 更多舱内照明, 新的隔音和改进的机舱电子系统. There’s also more storage space in the galley 和 an upgraded lavatory.

经过近300次交付, Bombardier ceased production of the 605 in 2015 和 replaced it with the 650, 它有一个重新设计的机舱和改进的航空电子设备.


加拿大ir was created as a separate entity by the government of 加拿大 on the 11th of November 1944, absorbing the operations of the Canadian Vickers company 和 initially producing flying boats for the Royal Canadian Air Force. In 1952, 加拿大ir was merged with the American Electric Boat Company to form General Dynamics 和 two years later, 当康威尔的收购被确认时, 成为康维尔的加拿大子公司.

During the 1950s, 加拿大ir developed 和 produced the successful Tutor trainer 飞机. The following decade saw the design 和 production of amphibious 飞机, primarily to provide a more effective way of delivering water to forest fires. Further development led to 飞机 ideal for performing a range of roles, 包括海空搜救, 货物运输和载客, 除了水轰炸机任务.

The Challenger 600 was perhaps the company’s most commercially successful product. 然而, the high cost of developing the 飞机 和 slow initial sales of the Challenger heavily contributed to the near-bankruptcy of 加拿大ir, which was only avoided through the purchase of the company by Bombardier in 1986.

现在, 庞巴迪是全球交通运输行业的领导者, 创造创新和原创的飞机和火车. Its products 和 services provide world-class transportation experiences that set new st和ards in passenger comfort, 能源效率, 可靠性和安全性. 总部位于蒙特利尔, 加拿大, Bombardier has production 和 engineering sites in 25 countries across Transportation, 商业飞机, 商用飞机和航空结构和工程服务.


一架新的庞巴迪挑战者605造价高达2700万美元。, 而老式飞机的售价约为1500万美元.


租船合同利率 for the 庞巴迪挑战者605 can vary greatly depending on the length of the journey you have planned, 以及你决定飞进和飞出的机场.


整线(飞机, 机组人员, 维护, insurance) wet lease rates for the 庞巴迪挑战者605 vary depending on the age of the 飞机, 租赁期限的长短, the number of block hours being guaranteed 和 the average cycle ratio.

如果你想订一辆 私人包机 在庞巴迪挑战者605上,为什么不呢 联络我们的办事处? For details of other private jets for charter, browse our list of available 飞机.





  • 飞机类型 沉重的飞机
  • 乘客 12
  • 巡航速度 870公里/小时
  • 范围 7400公里/ 4598英里


  • 行李空间 116英尺³
  • 封闭式厕所 是的
  • 空姐 是的
  • 压舱 是的



  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

